The gifts of turning inward during the darker, shorter days...

"This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year's threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath.”

― Margaret Atwood

I’m sending a quick note of good wishes, happy solstice, happy holidays (should you be celebrating this week), and many blessings for completing 2022 with ease, a bit of stillness, compassionate care and self-nourishment.

Winter Solstice - and Nature's Reminder to Rest

Today, in the northern hemisphere, we've arrived at the winter solstice - the shortest day, and the longest night.

These dark days serve as nature’s reminder to us to rest, to go within, to dive into our own depths and inner knowing.

With nature as our reflection, we are reminded that nothing in the world is created to shine brightly, to produce, to bloom, nor push forward… all the time.

We are cyclical beings, intended to function in cycles - sometimes resting, and sometimes in action.

When we tune in and remember this, when we give ourselves permission to get quiet, to turn inward, to put our focus on the fears, discomfort and inspired inner whispers that need our attention – or simply rest as we are intended to do – we can create new and extraordinary beginnings, with deeper insights, more energy and greater capacity to move forward (once we complete this part of the cycle).

My wish for you in these weeks is to offer yourself a pause. A little (or big) rest, some time in quiet - maybe with a journal, and your attention focused inward.

I know you’re busier than words can say. I know these are wild times, and perhaps your world seems to be spinning even faster than before 2020. There is so much to do and show up for. I get it.

Whatever your world feels like right now, I invite you to take just 5 and pause. Get quiet, and listen to what’s asking for attention inside of you.

Then go do what you need to do.

And maybe come back and take 5 again. (Note: once you do this a few times, you may just want to keep doing it…)

What if you Use that Pause to Help you Move Forward?

Our next community healing retreat will be a special one, where you get to really shift the energetics of your next year.

We’ll do the practices of tuning in, looking back and then visioning forward, in collective.

In our retreat, we’ll review, honor and celebrate all you’ve done and been over the past year. When I’ve guided people through this before, they’ve been awestruck by how much they’d been and done (and didn’t realize) in their year.

We’ll then ceremonially welcome in and set your vision for the next year. This energetic preparation is powerful and can begin creating your year to come, in ways that can be very supportive to what you're dreaming up for your next year.

And with that, I send you wishes of beauty, ease and rest.

I'd love to know how your 5 minute pause goes, if you choose to take it.

Reminding you that the world needs you well.

The world needs you honoring the rest, the pause, and the need to periodically go inward.

When you do this, you can show up so much more fully and authentically in whatever it is you're doing - your work, medicine, activism, leadership, humanitarian aid, volunteering, parenting, teaching, business, life, service, and the world.

And that truly helps to change the world.

With love and many blessings,

