Recalibration. On bodies being in-person together with other bodies

I looked around the room and saw hundreds of bodies, bodies I could see - from head to toe.

I could see all of them - their eyes, their feet. I could read their body language. I could be responsive in real time to what I was sensing.

These humans weren’t a fraction of themselves in a box on a screen. I could move freely around on the stage and use my own body to convey ideas to them.

Last month I sent you a note on the importance of having love and connection with other humans in support of our nervous systems - and then I got to experience it in real time.

Delivering well-being in-person - it's a whole new world

I delivered an in-person keynote and another breakout presentation at an in-person conference recently.

It felt like a big leap, to travel for hours to an in-person event, to speak from the stage (instead of from my couch), after no in-person presenting in 2.5 years.

It was such an honor and privilege to be there and deliver messages of well-being, powerful teachings that shift people’s health, and supportive practices for nervous system regulation.

It delights my soul to speak and connect with groups, and to give them tools and ideas that can – when engaged on the regular – be life-changing.

Photo courtesy of Vijette Saari

Confession Time... here's what I've got

And I’ll confess that while being in-person in a large group felt amazing, exhilarating, and deeply connected, it was also a bit nerve-wracking preparing for the event.

And I wasn’t alone in that confession. In speaking with some of the other speakers, conference organizers, and participants, many were experiencing a big internal shift from organizing/ presenting/ being at an event behind a Zoom screen to being in-person.

Our nervous systems needed to do some recalibrating to come back into a one-room space together.

We needed to remember what it is to walk and talk to a live, in-person group, and to BE in our bodies, in the physical presence of a group of other people in their bodies, in ways we just haven’t for years now.

Then, just last week, while delivering another in-person workshop for a group, numerous participants there noted that being back together, in-person, had them feeling both excitement and anxiety.

Are you feeling it?

Are you feeling some version of that re-entry excitement, anxiety, confusion, relief, or anything else - in your personal and/ or professional life?

The more we deepen into walking our talk, the more we can hold

I’m transparent about the fact that, as I focused on developing my presentations, I was regularly doing my own health and nervous system practices to get to a place of settled – so that I could show up and deliver, hold space, and be truly present while presenting.

And as always, the more I do my own work, the more I become aware of how I can hold a bigger space for others to prioritize their own health, healing and well-being.

I step in. And that offers the invitation - and sometimes needed energetic permission - for others to do the same.

(This I say as an invitation to remember that the more we tend inward, the more we can show up in the world.)

The sunrise from my hotel patio, where I did my morning practice each morning before presenting

What's to come, in the month of honoring mothers...

In this month, I’ll be sharing about the theme of motherhood, and acknowledging the beauty, the challenges and sometimes the grief and loss that motherhood can bring.

I’ll also be touching into the theme of the often unspoken grief, loss and invisibility that comes with this time – for those who've lost pregnancies, or children, and/ or haven’t had children – whether by choice or by chance.

These themes have been stirring in my heart for months now, and for years have been arising in all of the spaces I’m working with people – with private clients, in our Heal Her Collective group program I lead, in our THRIVE program, and in the world in general.

I want to honor that all of it deserves attention, and in some cases, requires some healing.

You'll receive a series of love letters  with my reflections, offerings, and stories, a whole lot of honest and sometimes a bit raw – and an invite for what’s to come at the end of June.

Please know, I’m going to be holding space for all the things, honoring the mamas (by birth or another way) and honoring the ones who aren’t and are feeling the absence of that, too.

More to come soon...

For now, reminding you that the more you tend to your own body, heart and being, the more you can show up well for those you serve and love.

The world needs you well.

Because when you step into radical self-care, and support your nervous system, body and heart, it helps you care, serve, teach, partner, parent and love better, in ways that truly ripple out.

With love and many blessings,

P.S. May will be a month of notes that may be more resonant for those identifying as women.

But even if you don't identify as such, I invite you to tune in – my intent is that there will be something there for you, whether for your own journey, or for that of a woman in your world whom you could share the message with.

And if you'd rather not receive notes related to mothering, or not mothering, please hit "reply" and I'll pause your notes until I return to more of the regular themes.

Want to join me? (or give a gift to another?)

And when you're ready, here are a couple of ways I can support you, or someone you care about, on your life, health, healing, career and nervous system regulation journey:

1) A Mother's Day (or other day) gift to another.

I'm offering a special opportunity to GIFT a Holding the Mama Session (60 min), a healing/ coaching/ support session to help settle her nervous system, release what might be weighing a bit heavily on her, and open up healing for a mom. She can be pregnant, postpartum, post-loss, or an empty nester.

I don't usually offer 1-to-1 single sessions, but this month I'm feeling the impulse to open up the possibility to do this, in honor of the mothers - and in honor of how much our own healing ripples out to those we love and care for.

Special offer through May 31, must be used by July 15. (and can also be used as a gift for someone who is not a mother).

Just hit "reply" and we can arrange your gift certificate.

2) Private, customized healing and coaching support.

Ready to dive in deep and explore healing - whether it's around your motherhood journey, loss of the motherhood dream, reconnecting in the world, or getting your self-care, healing, health and life on track - with focused, steady support and a journey tailored for you?

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary 20 min discussion to explore whether we're a fit.

3) Radical Self-Care (virtual) retreats – No retreat in May, but we'll have a special Healing Gathering at the end of June where you’ll get to experience nervous system regulation, meaningful connection and healing in community. Our retreats are a place where nervous system, heart and physical wellness are prioritized and honored. More to come on that soon...
