What makes a healing story?

What does healing look like?

In these times of diving in deep with clients and having an awareness of what's happening out in the collective, I’ve been observing the many different paths that healing can take - individually and collectively.

This has led me to reflect on what makes a healing story, and what healing can look like.

What's clear is that the healing that individuals do makes a big impact out in the world - I see it over and over again. The ripple is real. And the way it can look varies wildly.

  • Sometimes healing looks like exploding in a beautiful way into your (renewed) vibrant life (this week's story)

  • Sometimes it looks like diving into grief about loss or illness or change, grief that hasn’t been touched or tended to in years (or decades), and giving yourself wintering (next week's story).

  • Sometimes it looks like getting the basics of self-care and well-being on board and making room for yourself amidst all of the needs of others that you regularly tend to (so much so that you forget yourself), making your care non-negotiable. Sometimes that's just what's needed.

  • And sometimes healing looks like first getting those basics on board so you can then progress into the deeper exploration of and connection to the spiritual and energetic world that you were seeking, but the basics weren't in place yet for you to effectively seek.

In the coming weeks, I’m going to share some healing stories of beloved clients, in hopes that there is something of a gem in their stories that might inspire or support you – wherever you’re at on your journey – in some way.

Today's Story - Exploding in a beautiful way into your life

For today, we’ll begin with a story of exploding in a beautiful way into your life.

One of the magnificent humans came to me this summer (as part of my secret and fun project I’ve been working on), saying, “I need this, I’m ready for change. Finally ready to put some attention on my healing.”

She was about to step into her biggest career move yet, on the edge of a much-desired promotion in a large leadership role that gave her space to contribute to significant systems change.

She was struggling (as many senior leaders do, though often don’t let on) with imposter syndrome, not trusting that she would be enough, or be ready enough, or be capable enough.

Even though all of the external evidence showed that she was perfectly capable.

She knew she wasn’t positioning herself well to take on a larger leadership role while also being mom to a special needs child and continuing to push through in all aspects of her life as she’d always done.

Up until then, she’d had difficulty prioritizing her own care and well-being, as she was out doing life-changing, high-level system building work. This combo was getting in the way of her being able to step in fully and be ready to claim this new role.

She intuitively knew that pushing through as she’d always done while stepping into a bigger arena would lead her down a path she didn’t want to be on and couldn’t sustain. She knew something needed to change, and she needed help getting there.

In our deep dive Retreat Day, we helped her clarify her vision, dove deep into an exploration of the nervous system, and gave her tools for her to use moving forward.

In our deep energy medicine work, we focused on healing the roots of (cultural and ancestral) of the old beliefs and patterns keeping her stuck in overworking, overgiving, self-sacrifice, and not believing enough in her capacity (even though others did).

She walked away clear on her next action steps, armed with new beliefs that she’d continue to deepen into through practices on all levels - physical, nervous system and energetic.

Now in her new role, she's exploded back into her life in the best of ways and has confidence she surprises herself with as she builds and mends systems work.

She's now prioritizing her well-being and knows that sets the foundation for effective work, parenting and living. She finally got overdue health care appointments taken care of, has created new and beautiful spaces she loves within and outside of her home, and is working with new rituals, rhythms, and actions that are supporting her health and well-being.

She's taken action to anchor in the work we did, and has established accountability to support her to keep going. She now says,

“I’m so enjoying the feeling of comfort in my own skin. The journey we did to my ancestors was one of the most powerful experiences of my life and helps me as I lead in my new role. The mantra we crafted echoes in my mind everyday as I live into this renewed version of myself and embrace my transformational leadership style.”

What worked?

- She was ready.

- She came with clarity.

- She made a decision to prioritize her care and healing with support.

- She dove in deep with courage.

- She’s continuing to practice and integrate.

What’s the impact?

- She’s happier as a changemaker, leader, mom, head of household, and in her own body.

- She’s wasting much less energy wondering if she’s got this. She’s got it, and she’s doing it.

- She’s sharing with others close to her about her inner work and it’s infectious – when one person heals her ways of thinking and behaving that are holding her back, it opens the door to colleagues, friends, constituents, clients, students, etc. to do the same.

- It’s rippling out and she's able to be more effective, capable and visionary in her systems change work.

How about you?

I invite you to ask, where do you see yourself reflected in her story?

Where are you ready for change? A small change - if you're going too far out, it can be hard to see, and your brain won't work with you. Zoom in and go closer.

What’s one small action you can take toward your well-being today? And tomorrow?

And then this next week?

5 minutes a day. Maybe this is a totally new thing for you, and maybe you’re doing an upgrade.

As you show up for yourself, and do the healing actions (big healing and little healing), it supports you, your well-being, your work in the world, and the collective.

When we do our own healing, when we step into releasing patterns that hurt our health, when we find stable in our nervous systems, when we let go of ancestral stories that create suffering through the generations (while still honoring our ancestors)... we can do beautiful things through our work, leadership, parenting, teaching, community tending, activism, and peacemaking,

Know that your healing story helps us to create more healing stories out there.

The world needs you well.​

With love and many blessings,


​p.s. Here are a number of ways to support you in your healing story if you like…

1) Make December Matter.

You can join my friend Mia’s Make December Matter event – you'll get daily 5 min nuggets of actions you can take to make this season, and your life, better. All recordings are made available so you can listen at any time. I’m loving tasting the different possibilities for change with the variety of teachers there. It lasts all month – and is virtual and free!

2) Mapping Your Healing Path Sessions.

If you’re feeling on the cusp of big changes, or needing some attention to your own healing path, I’m experimenting with a new offering - if you’d like a taste and need some thought partnership and momentum. In these Mapping Your Healing Path sessions (75 min), I’ll help you identify what needs attention, get clear on your vision and figure out your “map” and next steps for your healing path. If you’ve been wondering what it’s like to have support in your healing and aren’t quite ready to dive into a full program, I’m offering these. I have 10 spots available at a special rate for the next 2 months – so if you’re called, grab one here!

3) Honoring 2023, Releasing 2024.

Put January 7 on your calendar for our annual virtual retreat where we look back on 2023, honor all of it, celebrate and release, and vision 2024, to move forward with clarity, intention, and focused action toward the kind of year you want (way better than resolutions...).

4) Practice finding Stability and Predictability.

Download (or listen again to) my Stability and Predictability practice I sent you, right HERE.

Thank you for being here, in the world at this time, doing what you’re here to do, and shining your light in ways that help to illuminate the darkness.
