I couldn't contain it anymore

So I'm standing in this enormous room, surrounded by hundreds of other teens and a whole bunch of enthusiastic team leaders, at our most amazing summer leadership camp.

The 80s music is blasting, filling the room, pulsing through my whole being, calling me.

I could feel the rhythm in me, but I was standing completely frozen.

I could not move.

I’m watching these wildly enthusiastic team leaders dance around the room, and I was LONGING with my whole being to dance like them, to move with them, in an unbridled, uninhibited, un-self-conscious way.

To take up space in the room and fill it with joy.

My joy, the joy that was lodged in there, wanting to burst out of me.

I'd been doing this pattern for days, standing on the side of the room, waiting for my turn to feel like that.

(I'm telling you, this memory is so vivid it’s as if I’m there in the room right now.)

It felt like the entire room was this enormous heartbeat, in and around me, calling to me to MOVE.

But I had no idea how to engage.

And then, suddenly, something shifted.

I couldn’t contain it anymore.

And my body started to twitch. And my arms were moving. My feet were tapping.

I wasn't sure how, but it was happening.

And then, as if I my body were taken over by some strange being, I was swept into the center of the room and moving my body wildly.

My arms were flailing, I was leaping and skipping and jumping around.


Now, I’m sure I looked all kinds of ridiculous.

But for the first time, it actually didn’t matter. I didn’t care.

I’d found my dancing feet, that's all that mattered.

My body felt the permission to get out on the dance floor and move.

I was filling the room with my joy.

And then I kind of couldn’t stop... I became known as "the dancing queen" at that camp session.

I went on to become a Team Leader.

And eventually became a dance teacher - in Spanish and English.

And I’ve been dancing ever since (though I will say I’ve gotten a lot better at it 😉).

It's one of my most favorite things, one of my best nervous system healing tools, and one of the activities that brings me the most embodied joy.

I awoke this morning with that memory and then realized why.

(I’ll share that with you later this week.)

For now, here’s what I want to ask you.

Do you know that feeling? Have you had an experience like that?

Do you have that something that's just longing to burst forth from you, but it feels frozen or stuck, or you're both terrified (and excited) about it?

If you’ve got that feeling in your body, like…

  • something’s coming and you know you need to be ready to receive it when it shows up,

  • there’s something you've just got to do - no holding back, but you're a bit frozen,

  • there's some project or business or offering to your community that wants to birth from you, and you’re holding back, not sure,

  • or you’re feeling some mix of scared/ excited about your next steps in your own healing path (scared-cited, as it’s called in some circles),

...then I urge you to LISTEN.

Listen to that feeling.

It’s here, asking for your attention.

What’s it asking of you?

When you’re called, it’s good to be ready to answer.

Body listening... it’s one of the most important (and favorite) tools in my kit.

Stay tuned.

I’ll be sending you a little secret something soon. An invitation of sorts.

Not gonna lie, it's taking my courage to do this.

So here I am, dancing in the invitation.

More to come.

For now, remember, the world needs you well (and listening to the call).

Much love and many blessings,


P.S. I'd love to hear from you - what's the thing calling to you right now that just can't be contained?
